AlphaRad simulation page

The whole project homepage is located here.

This page deals with the Geant4 simulations I made in the following context.
Actually here is an update of the original code bringing in new features:

Please note

  1. The output philosophy is the best I could have imagined so far. I spent bunches of hours working on them.
    So I sent the code to the Geant4 collaboration proposing it to be integrated to the G4 example official list. Cross fingers!
    In the meanwhile, I put them under CeCILL licence i.e. it can be distributed and modified but my name should ever appear
    and any changes to the original source should be explicitly mentionned (author name and date) in case of redistribution.
  2. There is no guaranty on the new physics list.
    An exhaustive testing is needed! Some advices are given here.

Everything is (should be) explained in the readme file. Whinge if it's not!
Here one can find the default simulation outputs (have a look the readme file first).
The whole archive is available on request.


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Copyright: Mathieu Trocmé, Mon 28 Dec 2009 (14:13:46)