How to run MCNPX in multiprocessing mode @ CCALI?

1. Installation

First you need to get an account @ CCALI with special access to pistoo (which is the parallel farm).
Ask xxx .

MCNPX 2.6F has been installed thanks to Olivier Méplan (, Jean-Pierre Froberger and Jean-Pierre Engel.
The installation procedure (and the associated glitches) can be found in xxx.
Thanks to Julien Dévémy ( from CCALI for his help to make things work.

2. Running scripts

Here are a couple of personal scripts to run MCNPX @ CCALI.
(Docs: introduction and commands, parameters)

2.1. Basic use (for debug purposes)


2.2. Parallel use

>> (with optimized parameters)

Below's an automated script to create and run several input files in one go (it calls

3. Misc

3.1. Gridconv

To use the gridconv executable, one can add these lines in his/her .shellrc file:

function mygridconv() { source /usr/local/intel/ifort/bin/ ; echo -e "mdata\n$1.mdata\ny\ny\n$1.mdat\ny\n1\ntecplot\n$1.dat\nn\nn\n3\nn\nn" | xxx/frober/v26f-Intel/bin/gridconv ; } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.2. Warnings

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Copyright: Mathieu Trocmé, Mon 28 Dec 2009 (14:13:46)